Kürz­lich hat­ten wir das Ver­gnü­gen, dem schwe­di­schen Mu­si­ker und Pro­du­zen­ten Nils Land­gren die N1 vor­zu­füh­ren.

Da­nach schick­te er die­se freund­li­chen Zei­len:

“Concrete Au­dio is not on­ly re­fe­ring to the ma­te­ri­al the spea­kers are ma­de of but al­so to the sound, being just that, con­cre­te.
I ha­ve ne­ver in my life heard Chet Baker sound so good!
If you are loo­king for con­cre­te sound, check out Concrete Au­dio.”

Nils Land­gren, mu­si­ci­an & pro­du­cer