The F1 Flat Panel Speaker Sys­tem by CONCRETE AUDIO in Weimar is now in with a chance to win this years most pres­ti­gious ger­man de­sign price, the Ger­man De­sign Award 2015.
The Ger­man De­sign Coun­cil re­cently an­nounced the nom­i­na­tion of CONCRETE AUDIO’s F1 model for the Com­puter and En­ter­tain­ment sub­cat­e­gory of the Ex­cel­lent Prod­uct De­sign award.

The pres­ti­gious Ger­man De­sign Award en­joys con­sid­er­able pub­lic at­ten­tion thanks to the rep­u­ta­tion of the award­ing body, the Ger­man De­sign Coun­cil, who have for the past sixty years rep­re­sented the ger­man de­sign scene and for CONCRETE AUDIO the nom­i­na­tion alone is a ges­ture of the high­est dis­tinc­tion. The award cer­e­mony takes place in Feb­ru­ary 2015.