N1 speaker sys­tem and F1 con­crete flat panel speak­ers wow in Mu­nich at High End 2014!

We look back at the High End 2014 with pride.

The pre­sen­ta­tion of the hand fin­ished lim­ited edi­tion N1 speaker sys­tem made of ce­ment, sand,wa­ter and high tech thor­oughly fas­ci­nated both vis­i­tors and press alike. We re­ceived feed­back from in­ter­ested and ex­cited vis­i­tors through out the show

We also pre­sented our F1 flat panel speaker de­vel­oped in co­op­er­a­tion with the Fraun­hofer IDMT which sparked huge in­ter­est from vis­i­tors. The F1 speaker sys­tem is hung like a pic­ture on the wall. It has a depth of 32 mm, a weight of 12 kg and the op­tion of ei­ther ca­ble or wire­less con­trol.